Largest ShoreTel (Mitel) System in the PNW

Sterling Communications: Leading the Way in VoIP with the Largest ShoreTel (Mitel) System in the Pacific Northwest

PORTLAND, OREGON (2016) - In the ever-advancing field of telecommunications, innovation is the key to success. Among the pioneers in this industry, Sterling Communications has consistently raised the bar by focusing exclusively on providing top-notch Voice over Internet Protocol (VoIP) services.

From ISP to VoIP Powerhouse

Established as an Internet services provider in 2004, Sterling Communications has traversed an extraordinary path to become a recognized regional leader in VoIP phone systems. The critical moment came when the company embraced an exclusive partnership with ShoreTel (Mitel), an international innovator in unified communications (UC) solutions. This collaboration gave rise to Sterling's proprietary SterlingVOICE™ line of VoIP services, encompassing:

  • Business phone systems

  • Lines, maintenance

  • Toll-free service

Notably, the company constructed a private phone network fortified with Quality of Service (QoS) and Multiprotocol Label Switching (MPLS) technologies, ensuring a guarantee of clear and reliable call quality at all times.

Focusing on Excellence with ShoreTel (Mitel)

The choice to specialize exclusively in ShoreTel (Mitel) systems has yielded considerable advantages. “Our exclusive relationship with ShoreTel (Mitel) has measurable benefits for our VoIP customers,” explains Tom Gillihan, president of Sterling Communications. “Because our resources are focused on one brand, we have streamlined the installation process and system management. Typically, issues can be resolved in one phone call with our support team.”

Sterling's customers now enjoy cost-effective, high-performing, and easy-to-manage phone systems, enriched by ShoreTel’s (Mitel) award-winning technology. VoIP technology has matured, making it the optimal solution for integrated voice communication services, including voice, video, data, and mobile. Sterling’s dedicated IP network guarantees robust connectivity and unparalleled voice clarity.

More Than Just a Business

Sterling's achievements aren't confined to technological feats alone. Since 1997, the company has been committed to enriching the internet experience for regional businesses, offering services like high-speed Internet access, Web hosting, and colocation facilities.

The Portland Business Journal has recognized Sterling as one of the Top 100 Fastest Growing Private Companies each year since 2001. A decade-long consistency led to the unprecedented Double Lighthouse Award. This honor marked Sterling as the first company ever to achieve this remarkable feat.


Sterling Communications’ journey from an Internet service provider to the largest ShoreTel (Mitel) installation in the Pacific Northwest reflects its dedication to excellence, innovation, and customer satisfaction. As the VoIP landscape continues to evolve, Sterling's commitment to delivering unparalleled service ensures its place at the forefront of the industry.

Sarah Peterson